2 Important Questions to Ask If Your Child Broke a Bone on the Playground

29 September 2016
 Categories: Law, Blog

If your child broke a bone while playing on the playground at school, there are two important questions that you need to find out the answers to. The answers to these questions can help you determine whether you want to pursue a lawsuit against your child's school due to the injury that your child sustained while at school on the playground.

Question #1: Is the Equipment on the Playground Defective?

The first question that you need to ask is whether the equipment on your child's playground is defective. Do not depend on the school to answer this question. Instead, go out to your child's school playground and bring your camera along. Take detailed pictures of the equipment from all angles. While you are taking pictures, keep an eye out for loose screws or parts of the equipment that don't seem to be secure. 

If you have already secured the assistance of an attorney who specializes in broken-bone cases, bring them along with you when you inspect the playground. They will help provide a second set of eyes and may be able to spot issues that you may have overlooked. An attorney can also take the pictures that you take and give them to a playground specialist to inspect for signs of defects. 

Question #2: Was Your Child Provided with the Right Level of Supervision?

The second important question that you need to find the answer to is whether your child and their class was provided with the right level of supervision as required by law and school policy while on the playground. 

The best way to get this information is by asking multiple sources. Ask your child's teacher who was on the playground when the accident occurred. Ask your child who was watching them when they got hurt, or ask their classmates. Follow up by asking the principal who was scheduled to be on duty on the playground and follow up by having your attorney interview each adult who was supposed to be on the playground when your child was present. 

The ratio for students to teachers as stipulated by your state needs to be maintained both in the classroom and on the playground. If there were not enough adults on the playground to watch the number of children who were playing, that is a strong sign that the school may be responsible for your child's injuries.

Discuss the results of these questions with your broken-bone lawyer and decide together if you have a strong enough case to move forward with a lawsuit against your child's school for their injury. 
