Although domestic violence is often discussed in relation to family law, it is a distinct crime in many jurisdictions. This means that all the forms of domestic violence or abuse, including reproductive coercion, can attract criminal charges. The following questions and answers will shed more light on this crime:
What Is Reproductive Coercion?
Reproductive coercion is the use of violence or threats to control a partner's reproductive health. Most of those who engage in reproductive coercion do so to pressure their partners into becoming pregnant, avoiding pregnancy or terminating their pregnancy.
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You've probably heard the term "the Internet of Things" (IoT) but do you know what it means for you and your company's security? As the IoT gets larger and more sophisticated, every day that you don't fully understand the growing implications for your company's cyber security, the more vulnerable your company becomes. This is what you should know, just to get started.
What Is the Internet of Things?
The basic concept is that almost everything from the copier to the company toaster—anything that has an on and off switch—has the potential of connecting to the internet and each other remotely.
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During the holiday season, getting together with friends and family is quite common. Going to someone's house to enjoy their company doesn't always result in an injury, but when it does, it is important to know what to do. The following guide walks you through the process to follow if you are injured at a friend's or relative's house.
Seek Medical Attention Right Away
If a deck collapses, dog bites you, or any other injury takes place, you need to seek medical attention right away.
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Most people think that their issues with their spouse are over once the divorce is final—but if you have children together, you and your ex-spouse aren't likely to be done dealing with all of the legal issues involved until the kids are at least 18 (or maybe older). One of the issues that can bring you back to court is a request for more child support—especially if you don't think it's a reasonable or fair request.
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If your child broke a bone while playing on the playground at school, there are two important questions that you need to find out the answers to. The answers to these questions can help you determine whether you want to pursue a lawsuit against your child's school due to the injury that your child sustained while at school on the playground.
Question #1: Is the Equipment on the Playground Defective?
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